

Live Below the Line

Written by: Georgina Ingham | Posted: 24-04-2011

Sponsored Post in collaboration with Christian Aid.

This May, UK development agency Christian Aid will challenge the general public to Live Below the Line for five days.

Just like 1.4 billion people living in poor communities around the globe, those taking part will have to purchase all of their food and drink by spending just £1 per day. This is the average amount a Sub-Saharan African has to spend per head, and according to the World Food Programme, some spend up to 80% of their income on food. Shocking figure isn’t it?

Over the month of May I am hoping to place a top tip about cheap and nutritious ingredients that will considerably reduce shopping bills, how to make the most of left overs or an exciting (cheap) recipe or two on my Facebook Page.

And that dear readers is where you come in, I’d love you to head on over to my Facebook Page and leave me your top tips too!

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